Messiah - Yannick Nézet-Séguin + Orchestre Metropolitain
"Dès la première intervention, richement ornée, mais aussi très nuancée et sculptée en détail du ténor Spencer Britten, nous avons eu l’évocation de ces basiliques rococo bavaroises."
“From the first intervention, richly decorated, but also very nuanced and intricately sculpted by tenor Spencer Britten, we were reminded of these Bavarian rococo basilicas.”
-Christophe Huss - Le Devoir
"le ténor Spencer Britten a très bien chanté mais sans dominer la basilique"
“the tenor Spencer Britten sang very well without dominating the basilica”
-Alain Brunet - PAN M 360

Spencer sat down with Alejandra at @aspiring.opera.singers for an Instagram Live interview. The conversation revolved around all things opera with a focus on authenticity.
"How can I practice showing up in music spaces (rehearsals, auditions, competitions) as my true self?
What can we do to fight stereotypes in the opera world?
How can singers cultivate authenticity in their performances?"

In the October 2023 edition of La Scena Musicale, Spencer gave an interview about his experience in the world premiere of CHINATOWN by Alice Ping Yee Ho.

Diamond's Edge Photography

Article by Aaron Au with Edmonton Journal
A shifting industry is paving the way for audiences and performers to be themselves
Photo: Jacy Eberlein

Lindoro - l'italiana in algeriBregenzer Festspiele
"Mit einer einzigartigen lyrisch beweglichen Stimme begabt ist der kanadische Tenor Spencer Britten, der Rossinis Koloraturen und Spitzentöne in höchsten Höhen meistert. Dass er seit seiner Kindheit auch als Tänzer ausgebildet ist, darf der grazile Sänger in dieser Inszenierung auch zeigen."
“The Canadian tenor Spencer Britten is gifted with a unique lyrically flexible voice, mastering Rossini's coloratura and top notes in the highest heights. In this production, the graceful singer is also allowed to show that he has also been trained as a dancer since childhood.”
-Katharina Von Glasenapp - Schwäbische.de
"…mit zartem Lyrismus verkörpert der Kanadier Spencer Britten seinen Lindoro."
“…with tender lyricism, the Canadian Spencer Britten embodies his Lindoro”
-Catherine Signer - Tagblatt
"…und mit dem kanadischen tenor Spencer Britten ein Lindoro nach ihr schmachtet, der der verinnerlichten Rossini-Partie ein großes Gefühlsspektrum verleiht."
“...and with the Canadian tenor Spencer Britten a Lindoro pines for her, who gives the internalized Rossini part a great emotional spectrum.”
-Christa Dietrich - Vorarlberger Nachriten
"Als Lindoro glänzt Spencer Britten mit schönem Schmelz und gefühlvollen Stimmeinsatz, zudem kann er einiges aus seiner Tanzausbildung einbringen."
“As Lindoro, Spencer Britten shines with a beautiful melting and soulful use of his voice, and he can also bring something from his dance training to bear.”
-France dayFR (French)
"Eine zentrale Figur dieser Opera buffa ist der Sklave Lindoro. Hier wird er vom kanadischen Tenor Spencer Britten verkörpert, der sein Debüt bei den Bregenzer Festspielen feiert. Er ist auf diese Rolle bestens vorbereitet – nicht zuletzt durch die vorherige Arbeit mit Kammersängerin Brigitte Fassbaender im Opernstudio. Sie führt bei Die Italienerin in Algier auch Regie."
“A central character in this opera buffa is the slave Lindoro. Here he is embodied by the Canadian tenor Spencer Britten, who is making his debut at the Bregenz Festival. He is well prepared for this role - not least through his previous work with Kammersängerin Brigitte Fassbaender in the Opera Studio. She is also directing Die Italienerin in Algier.”

Pressfoyer Bregenzer Festspiele
Karl Forster Photography

Janek Prus - The Makropulos Affair
Staatsoper Unter den Linden
“Im Gegenzug spielt sich Spencer Britten als nach nur wenigen Sätzen durch Selbstmord aus dem Leben scheidender Janek in die Sympathie des Publikums."
“In turn, Spencer Britten wins the sympathy of the audience as Janek, who dies by suicide after just a few sentences."
“Luxusbesetzt Bo Skovhus als Adelsgigolo Jaroslav Prus, Spencer Britten als sein emphatisch sich gleich selbstmordender Sohn.”
““Luxuriously cast Bo Skovhus as the aristocratic gigolo Jaroslav Prus, Spencer Britten as his emphatically suicidal son." - Die Welt
"Spencer Britten als Janek mit schönem lyrischen Tenor."
“Spencer Britten as Janek with beautiful lyric tenor.”
“Seinen unglücklichen Sohn Janek verkörpert der Tenor Spencer Britten, Mitglied des Nachwuchsstudios des Hauses eindrücklich, und lässt für die Zukunft hoffen.”
“His unfortunate son Janek is impressively embodied by tenor Spencer Britten, a member of the house's young talent studio, and gives hope for the future.”
“Der Tenor Spencer Britten als Prus‘ Sohn Janek, Bassist Žilvinas Miškinis als Theatermaschinist und Anna Kissjudit als Kammerzofe stellen sich als trefflicher Nachwuchs aus dem Opernstudio vor.”
Tenor Spencer Britten as Prus' son Janek, bassist Žilvinas Miškinis as the theater machinist and Anna Kissjudit as the chamber maid present themselves as excellent new talent from the opera studio.
“…Prus’s son, Janek, by the appealing young tenor Spencer Britten.”
“Spencer Britten ein goldiger, aber kraftvoll lyrischer Janek, der glücklose Sohn von Prus senior”
“Spencer Britten a sweet but powerfully lyrical Janek, the hapless son of Prus Sr.”
"Spencer Britten, prima als blutjunger Tollpatsch."
“Spencer Britten, great as the young klutz.”
Monika Rittershaus Photography

Soloist - Messiah/Complex
Against the Grain Theatre
New York Times Article
"joyously proclaiming that ev'ry valley shall be exalted"
- The New York Times
"His performance was oozing with mirth and personality"
- Opera Canada
"...tenor Spencer Britten contributes a deliciously sly Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, wicked black stilettos and stylish concert garb unveiled, footwear and apparel an emphatic statement of character"
- Opera Going Toronto
"In this new context of a montage recorded across a continent, some of the lines really jump out.... “Every Valley Shall Be Exalted.” It’s about big change coming, the valleys lifted, the hills brought low, “the crooked straight and the rough places plain.” Tenor Spencer Britten sings it in front of the rainbow sidewalk in Vancouver’s Davie Street Village, dashing in a tux and spike-heel boots."
- Macleans
Georgia Street Media Photo
"The opening recitative “Comfort Ye” with luminous tenor Spencer Britten (British Columbia) was a telling case in point. The closest element to moving toward a collective re-thinking about our relationships with each other comes early in the line “that her iniquity is pardoned.” Even though the whole Messiah/Complex project was going to raise many of the uncomfortable feelings we have on all sides of the colonial issue, there was going to be at least an atmosphere of forgiveness behind all of it in this production, so that as a nation we could consider how best to move forward. These were some of the most constructive seconds I have experienced in any art form on this topic and led Britten to sing a robust and joyful “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted” as an affirmation of individual identity."
- Ludwig Van Toronto
"Tenor Spencer Britten (British Columbia) and his joyful Comfort ye, my people happens in the middle of Vancouver’s Davie Village, flanked by rainbow-painted crosswalks and his high-heel boots."
- The Globe & Mail
"un ténor gay, aux origines chinoises, qui chante quant à lui du Haendel, dans les rues de Vancouver, vêtu d’un costume classique et chaussé de talons aiguilles de 15 centimètres de haut…"
-France Musique
"...exciting tenor Spencer Britten represents BC in the opening recitative."
- Stir Arts & Culture Vancouver

Brigitte Fassbaender
“Eine besondere Begabung ist der kanadische Tenor Spencer Britten, der sich mit einer extrem schweren Arie des Lindoro als “geborener Rossini-Tenor" entpuppte, der die Belcantophrasen und Sehnsuchtsseufzer elegant und innig sang.”
“The Canadian tenor Spencer Britten is particularly talented. With an extremely difficult aria by Lindoro, he turned out to be a “born Rossini tenor" who sang the belcanto phrases and sighs of longing elegantly and intimately.”
-Ulrike Längle —> Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
“Da ist der kanadisch-chinesische Tenor Spencer Britten, der als "geborener Rossini-Tenor" mit blitzenden Koloraturen und mühelosen Hochtönen aufwartet.”
“There is the Canadian-Chinese tenor Spencer Britten, who is a "born Rossini tenor" with flashing coloratura and effortless high notes.”
- Katharina von Glasenapp —> Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
Karl Forster Photography
Artist Spotlight
“In Messiah/Complex, I’m performing Every Valley… I kick off the whole thing. The concept for the film developed in a super organic way— I love the way that Joel encourages artists in the creative process. He let me express myself. Who is Spencer, and how do we represent that in this piece?“

Georgia Street Media Photo

Léon - The Ghosts of Versailles
The Glimmerglass Festival
"Canadian tenor Spencer Britten and New York soprano Emily Misch are both bright-sounding Glimmerglass Young Artists. Their performances exemplified young love and the triumph of that love over the desires of a parent (Count Almaviva) who wants a different outcome for his personal advantage.
Britten, who is in his second season as a Glimmerglass Festival Young Artist previously performed as one of the French soldiers in “Silent Night”. Britten is one of the Glimmerglass Festival Young Artists who has pursued the performance level dancing that the Festival’s General Director Francesca Zambello strongly encourages, playing the Jet, Gee-Tar, in last season’s production of Bernstein’s “West Side Story” and a dancer in this season’s production of Kern’s “Show Boat”.
- Opera Warhorses
"Tenor Spencer Britten imbued his impersonation of Leon with bright toned delivery and a loveable puppy dog deportment."
- Opera Today
"...the bright-voiced, eager Spencer Britten" - Seen and Heard International
"...tenor Spencer Britten and coloratura Emily Misch brought charm and liveliness to their roles."
Karli Cadel Photography

Triquet - Eugene Onegin
Opéra de Montréal
"Le jeune ténor Spencer Britten, membre de l’Atelier lyrique de l’OdeM, a beaucoup de succès auprès de l’auditoire avec son amusante interprétation de Monsieur Triquet, aristocrate français maniéré, hilarant stéréotype qu’il incarne avec génie. La scène est savoureuse, et ce jeune homme est un acteur né. On sait déjà qu’il ira loin." -Ludwig Van Montreal
"The young tenor Spencer Britten (one of three members of the OdM’s highly successful training school, Atelier lyrique, in this production) gave a felicitous turn as Monsieur Triquet while pulling off a few magical tricks to delight the ball’s attendees as well as the audience." - ConcertoNet
"Spencer Britten (Canada) stands out in the role of Monsieur Triquet, sweetly serenading Tatyana for her name day celebration while performing magic tricks."
-Montreal Theatre Hub
"...une voix claire et puissante et une aisance scénique certaine." - Bachtrack
"All hail Monsieur Triquet! Serving a perfect French pronounciation in an otherwise completely Russian opera, tenor Spencer Britten had this charismatic stage presence and assurance in this role. A current member of the Atelier lyrique de l'Opera de Montreal, he's career already includes impressive highlights including recent performances with the Orchestre de l'Agora and at the Glimmerglass Festival. He's also killing it on the gram so make sure to check that out." - Opera with Pearls
Yves Renaud Photohraphy

Carmina Burana -
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal
"Et par la force du nombre, les plus petits gestes ont pu prendre une impressionnante puissance, devenant même magnifiques lorsque le ténor canadien Spencer Britten s’est mêlé à la compagnie le temps de pousser quelques notes." - Journal de Montreal
"Mon coup de cœur est allé au ténor Spencer Britten qui a brillamment interprété un mémorable « Olim lacus colueram », aria dit du « cygne rôti »
- atuvu.ca
"3 solistes exceptionnels. Le spectacle est majestueux tant du point de vue musical que dansé." - Pieuvre.ca
"Tenor Spencer Britten, who impressed as Monsieur Triquet in last month’s Eugene Onegin, sang the goose with full voice and ringing tone"
- La Scena Musicale magazine
"3 solistes renommés : la soprano Aline Kutan, le ténor Spencer Britten et le baryton Dominique Côté. Une production magistrale, au signe de l'excellence!" - Patwhite.com
Sasha Onyshchenko/Kravetz Photographics

Léon - The Ghosts of Versailles
ChÂteau de Versailles
The leading young couple, Florestine and Leon (the two children had respectively and separately by the Count and the Countess) must also cover a very wide vocal range, even in the vibrating freshness of Emily Misch and the sweet clarity of a very young passionate gentleman, Spencer Britten (two young voices already well spotted across the Atlantic: from New York for the soprano and Montreal for the tenor.)
- Translated from Ôlyrix
Le couple de jeunes premiers, tendres amants, Florestine et Léon (les deux enfants qu'ont eus respectivement et séparément le Comte et la Comtesse) doivent eux aussi asseoir une très large palette vocale, même dans la fraîcheur vibrionnante d'Emily Misch et la suave clarté d'un très jeune gentilhomme passionné, Spencer Britten (deux jeunes voix déjà bien repérées outre-Atlantique : par New York pour la soprano et Montréal pour le ténor).
- Ôlyrix
Karli Cadel Photography